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Caption Templates for Small Businesses

Created to grow and boost your engagement on Instagram, these 30-days of Instagram captions template will help you nail your Instagram marketing strategy, increase your reach, and save you time on creating content each month!

Why Instagram Captions?

Captions add context, value, and emotion to your Instagram posts

Did you know that 95 million photos and videos are posted on Instagram daily? That is a lot of content to beat, and while the photo, video, or reel you’re sharing makes the difference, your post’s caption and hashtags are just as meaningful. 

The caption under your post can help rope in the audience and make them swipe on that carousel or watch the reel. Otherwise, they might just scroll down, and even though your post may get a lot of impressions, it won’t get the kind of engagement you need. 

But captions aren’t just business taglines or clever puns; this small text adds context to your posts, which may be incredibly important for getting more followers. If they don’t understand what you are as an Instagram business, they won’t tap on your post or profile. 

While Flick’s Hashtag Academy can help you find the most relevant hashtags, the Caption Templates can help you write the best captions to go with them. Hashtags may help your posts rank in Instagram searches, but captions help make people take action on your posts. For example, small shops on Instagram can add that emotional factor to the posts by talking about the products in more detail and covering details that are perhaps not covered in the photo or video.

Create ‘Great’ Instagram Captions

Your online Instagram post caption can be 2,200 characters long. Some experts may argue that it may be 2,000 characters too long. A good caption is concise, relevant, and actionable. It comes down to what you are posting and what action you want your audience to take. 

The perfect caption is under 10 words and has less than 20 emojis. Yes, emojis are also a big part of Instagram for business because emojis are an essential part of how people communicate and express themselves on Instagram. So it makes sense to leverage the impact of emojis for your captions wherever you can replace words with them. 

The first sentence of the caption is where you need to hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately, Instagram does not show the complete caption, as the rest of it is covered by an ellipsis. So it comes down to that visible part of the caption to grab the attention of the viewer and make them read the rest of it and take whatever action you want them to take. 

Speaking of action, it’s equally important to include a call to action in your caption. While the post’s call to action is the main deal, it does not hurt to reiterate it in your caption, so the viewer is influenced even further to take that action. For instance, you can ask the audience to tag a friend with something like ‘comments to hype up your friends.’

Flick can help you master how to use Instagram for business with hashtags and captions. In addition, its analytics tool can help you understand how well your posts and, by extension, their captions are doing with your audience. And in those analytics lie lessons about what works and what does not for your Instagram business.

Types of Instagram Captions

There is a lot of flexibility in Instagram captions, but overall these captions can be divided into five primary types:


An original quote or a quote from someone famous can make an Instagram post caption. Such a caption can evoke emotions and are quick to read. People are likely to share these posts with quotes as captions, especially if they can relate.


Whether you’re posting a meme on Instagram or not, a funny caption can make the post highly likable. It is usually a one-liner pun or trending meme that may be somehow linked with the content of the post.


A question as a caption can create engagement as people may answer the question in the comments. The question should be concise and straightforward.


A personal story can also be a caption. This kind of caption is typically long but has the potential to get a great response. Such captions can be used to tell more about the brand and the people behind the brand.

Resource (Information, Tips, Hacks, etc.)

A helpful or valuable resource like tips, life hacks, recipes, or any other piece of useful information can also be a caption for an Instagram post, for example, how to start a small online business. This type of caption can also be used to mention or link other accounts on Instagram.

Instagram Caption Template Will Make Your Life Easier!

You can master the art of writing excellent captions for your Instagram posts in-house with the help of the 30-day Instagram caption template by Flick. Of course, not everyone’s a writer, but with little hacks, a marketer can learn what makes an engaging caption. 

And that’s precisely what the purpose behind this list of Instagram caption templates is designed to do. You can customize the templates to fit your brand needs and come up with captions that go great with your posts. And 30 days is just enough time to understand captions and ace writing them. But you do not need to write and post captions all month; you can do it at your pace. The template is just a jumping-off point. 

This is a free resource from Flick to help small businesses get the most out of their posts. From Instagram handle ideas to how to create a second Instagram account, small businesses can learn a great deal about how to use Instagram plan for business.

Frequently asked questions

Whether you're posting as a creator, brand or marketer, our prompts will help you get the engagement and reach you want when it comes to your Instagram posts

How to use the Instagram caption templates?

Are the captions customizable?

Will these captions help my Instagram engagement?

Do I have to follow all the prompts in order?

Who are these Instagram captions for?

Caption Templates for Small Businesses

30 days of Instagram caption prompts for small business owners to get better engagement and reach

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